In July 2020 Sue Shephard and I revisited a series of photo monitoring sites on Artemis. Sue, Gay Crowley and Stephen Garnett first photographed these sites about 20 years ago.
Some comparison photos appear below. You can see clearly that most of the sites are now thick with native trees and shrubs.
When you look at these photos, keep in mind that Golden-shouldered Parrots are now gone from all of these places. As the habitats grew thicker, ambush predators like butcherbirds moved in.
These photos illustrate the nature and scale of the problem we are facing. Our goal is to restore these habitats back to their open state.
Let’s not wait another 20 years before we solve this problem. There are still parrots about 10km south of these places and so now is the time to sort this out while there is still a good chance that parrots can recolonise naturally. Read more about our work.
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