Thank-you for considering donating to us. Our track record shows that your donation will make a measurable difference to Australian wildlife, like Golden-shouldered Parrots, Purple-necked Rock-wallabies and Carpentarian Grasswrens.
There are two options to donate:
Option 1: Donation to Artemis Nature Fund and Conservation Partners via GoFundMe
Option 2: Donation through Landcare Australia
Landcare passes on 100% of all donations to us.
For supporters who prefer tax deductibility, please follow this link, which will take you to the Landcare Australia donation page. Select “Landcare Community Group” from the first drop-down list and type “Artemis” into Landcare Group Name. The rest is self-explanatory but if you have trouble you can watch the short video below or send us an email.
THANK-YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT. It makes a measurable difference to Australian wildlife.